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The Architectural Design and Research Project (A.D.R.P) Lab, part of Korea University's Department of Architecture, is dedicated to developing socially conscious and creative architectural projects. Led by Prof. Chungyeon Won, our lab is a collaborative space where graduate students and various professionals unite to design interventions aimed at enriching daily living environments. The lab's work, straddling the realms of theory and practice, emphasizes innovative solutions to real-world architectural challenges.


ChungYeon Won , AIA, LEED

ChungYeon Won is an associate professor at the Department of Architecture of Korea University and founder of the ‘a.d.r.p.' lab. She advocates a research-based, analytic approach to design where functionality and efficiency convey legitimacy without compromised aesthetics. 


Chung holds both a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree from the Korea University School of Architecture Engineering and a Master’s degree from the Department of Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania.  Between 1999 and 2005, she worked at Skidmore, Owings & Merrill in Chicago, and after graduating from  PennDesign in 2007, she joined Grimshaw Architects in New York where she played major roles in a wide range of projects including Fulton Street Transit Center, Ecorium_National Ecology Institute in Korea and New Housing New York. Prior to joining Korea University, Chung practiced as an Associate Director at Skidmore, Owings & Merrill in New York City, leading various large-scale complex projects such as Hyundai Motor Group Headquarters, Pertamina Energy Tower, and Citi Greenwich Street Redevelopment. Chung has been a member of the American Institute of Architects and a registered architect in New York since 2008.  


  • Associate Professor, Korea University, Seoul, Korea 2018~ Current

  • Associate Director, Skidmore, Owings & Merril, NYC, US 2012~2017 

  • Senior Architect, Grimshaw Architects, NYC, US 2007~2012  

  • Junior Architect, Skidmore, Owings & Merril, Chicago, US 1999~2005 

Current Activites

  • Regulatory Reform Committee of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport of Korea

  • Architecture Review Board of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport of Korea

  • Public Housing Review Board of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of Korea

  • Board of Directors of Architectectrue Institute of Korea

  • Board of Directors of the Korean Institute of Ecological Architecture and Environment

  • Free Economic Zone Authority Building Committee, Gyeonggi-do

  • Architectural Advisory Board of MICE Seoul International District, Camp Market, LH CheongNa City Tower 

  • Competition Review Committee of Seoul Housing & Communities Corporation 


Master's Program 


DongYun Kim

Sanchir Sukhbaatar


SeoHong Chun

PhD Program 



Qamar Alhadidi


Digitizing Muqarnas Design Process_A case Study of Alhambra's Nasrid Palace Muqarnas Algorithmic Design and Fabrication  

JuHan Lee


A Study on the Passive Design Strategies of Grain Warehouses : In case of Korea's Rural Areas


Gamal Tarakhan


A Design Proposal for a Vertical Neighborhood Park in Seoul

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